it’s no secret that i’m not thrilled with my current job. it has its moments, but i have known for a long time that it is not what i want to do with my life. sadly, i stay because it pays well and it’s easier than thrusting myself into the craziness that is the job search. especially considering the fact that i have no idea what i’d rather do instead.
that may not be entirely true. since september, i have been working part-time at a teen drop-in center in a nearby suburb. it is a nice place to be, and the kids are -– for the most part -– really great. basically, they come to the teen center because they would rather hang out in the basement of a church than in that of their parents’ homes. and, in the words of a co-worker, they think the staff members are “slightly cooler than their parents.” they can watch tv or movies, play pool, arcade games, ddr, playstation, foosball, uno, or even delve into the big book of crossword puzzles & word games. once a month we have a staff challenge, where kids can challenge a staff member to any game. if the kid wins, we give them a prize. but there are also movie nights, pizza nights, and band nights.
while i don’t see myself teaching, i thoroughly enjoy talking and playing with these kids. they are smart, funny, shy, moody, clever, silly, and curious. it makes me wonder where i would find a job that would allow me to work with kids on a daily basis but not as an educator, per se. counselor at a high school? employee at a community center? the need to go back to school myself is a probability, which isn't the most exciting prospect, but now would be the time to do it, especially if the classes i'd need are available here at npu (see “good stuff”). hmmm. i'll have to dig a little deeper and figure out exactly what it is i'm looking to do.
at least i have an idea to start from . . .
staying because it pays well isn't sad. staying because you think you're stuck there and not capable of doing anything else -- that would be sad. you see that you have options, and you know you'll figure out the best one eventually. good luck and hang in there...
thanks, mdog. it feels good to have the beginnings of a goal!
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