it’s a tricky thing, contemplating changing jobs. i’ve already worked in more places in my thirty-two years than some people have (or will) in their entire lives. and here i am, thinking of moving on to yet another place.
currently, i am a staff of one in a department that should have at least three employees. the number of balls i’m expected to keep in the air, while not impossible, is difficult, sometimes beyond the point of being merely challenging. there are things i enjoy about this job, but i find they are being heavily outweighed by the things i don’t enjoy, the things i’m not good at, and the politics of working at an educational institution such as this one.
i grew up in this neighborhood. this school is as much a part of home to me as my church. there are many wonderful things about this place, and i have good memories of it. but going from being an alumna of the school and appreciating what that represents in my life to being an employee of the school and learning all that that entails can be difficult. and it has been. it is definitely a blessing and a curse.
in a past post, i mentioned my interest in working with children. however, i can not, at this time, afford to go back to school to get the degrees and certifications necessary to do so. a job possibility has been presented to me recently. a job i know i would be good at. a job i know i would enjoy. a job i have done before, just at a different company. i would be able to work a nine-to-five day with no evening or weekend responsibilities, allowing me more time to work my part-time job, which takes place only on weekends. i would get back to doing something i am confident i can do and that i enjoy. i would make more money, which, as shallow as this may sound, appeals to me greatly and would be helpful in paying for classes should i decide to go back to school. and i would, hopefully, want to attend my ten-year college reunion when it occurs, and go back to having a more positive view of my alma mater than i do currently. or, at the very least, feel as though the political crap isn’t my problem any more.
to quote the illustrious mdog, “handing in a resume doesn’t mean you’re starting five minutes ago.”
well put.
mdog's right, however (you knew that was coming, right?), my experience has always been that once I drop that first resume in the mail, it's in the bag. Not that I get the first job I apply to, but that I end up switching jobs within the month. I think you're at the hardest place to be right now - that moment just before you drop off that first resume. Once you do that, it's a done deal - you're job hunting.
We're having a 10-year college reunion?
haha... i've handed in several resumes over the past three years, and i'm still in the same job! ;) well, either way, leaving your current job to make more money at a job you are good at, and would enjoy, is not shallow. leaving your current job to make more money at a job you have no business being in: now, that might be shallow.
the illustrious mdog
It's hard to find out the seamy underside of something you've always loved, isn't it? Good luck making your's good to shake things up sometimes.
you know i'm prayin' for ya. and you also know, courtesy of the ever-illustrious mdog, that it's not particularly shallow to go for the job that pays better than your current gig.
perhaps this is an opening to help you afford to go back to school.
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