
gettin' girly

as if anyone cares (or is still reading this thing), i’m trying to decide what to do with my hair. for the past year or two, i’ve been growing it out. this, as it turns out, has been a painstaking process, due to the fact that my hair grows slower than, well, hair. i’ve stopped straightening it on a daily basis to save it from extreme heat and brush distress. i’ve taken great care to be gentle with it when i do straighten it or run a pick through it. i’ve even spread apart by months the times i get it trimmed in a year (i think i’m going on three times a year), but this hasn’t hastened the growth process one bit. frustrating.

for the past few weeks, i’ve contemplated cutting it all off again, going back to a cute, flippy cut i had about three years ago. found a picture of me with that haircut and thought, “i could deal with that again.” but the more i thought about it, the more i realized that i shouldn’t “deal with” a haircut. i should like it. i was also told by one of my friends—who i think is one of the prettiest and most stylish women i know in real life—that she likes my hair long and thinks it looks great (guess she’s into the “rat’s nest” look). plus, i want to keep it long so that something fun can be done with it for my friends’ wedding in april.

so, i guess i’ve just solved my own problem. i will continue to grow out my hair. or at least allow it to slowly come forth from my scalp.

on a related note, phrysque actually figured out how quickly—er, slowly—my hair grows in miles per hour. (0.0000000054 mph, in case you were wondering.) his brain scares me.

this fact, however odd, is not surprising. after all, i was bald ’til i was two. i suppose i should be thankful i have hair at all, considering the alternative.


Anonymous said...

0.0000000054 miles per hour is a bit over 21,000 hours per mile. If you had started during the week after the Stone Age, your hair would now be one mile long. And a bit snarled, but think what you could do with braids...

a note from
Phrysque's Phather (that Phiggures...)

Ann-Marie said...


Anonymous said...

phreaking ridiculous! :)

Ann-Marie said...

and yet, phabulously phunny.