

could this week be any slower?


Melissa said...

girlfriend, i feel ya. i've been in sacramento for one day now and as nice as it is to walk around in a jean jacket and feel cozy, i wish i was home. hope you have a great rest of your week. can we puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze see each other when i get back? i miss you!

Ann-Marie said...

yes, please!

i wish i could be walking around in a jean jacket today, but it's COLD. and windy. and grey. bleh.

Melissa said...

actually, it's grey here today, too. but driving down the street and seeing a row of huge palm trees lining the street is way more than enough to make up for it. and it's still warm enough for my jacket. i LOVE it here! :)

Ann-Marie said...

*sigh* i love california.

Emily said...

personally, i'm just glad you both spell "grey" properly, with an "e" rather than an "a."

Anonymous said...

"could this week be any slower?"
...even Friday?
