
big picture

the week started off with an extended stay in michigan—somewhat caused by snow, somewhat caused by wanting to stay an extra day to spend with family—resulting in a return drive through heavy snow. david and i thought it was bad, but it was nothing compared to what the kim family experienced, and which ultimately caused them to lose their husband and father, james. if you are the praying type, please remember them.

also remember the family of my friend emily’s sixth-grade student, who was killed in a car accident on thursday evening. his family and friends, as well as emily, are in need of prayer.

and here i was, worried about “saying ‘good-bye’” to my engagement ring for a week and finding pants that fit.

1 comment:

Emily said...

to everyone who prayed, no matter how simple or ornate:
thank you. honestly, your prayers were TRULY felt and God became the only comfort we could have, as He is the only true comfort we need.
i miss my boy, the kids miss their friend, chris misses his little brother, elaine misses her son... but Jesus has filled the gap. and has USED this to glorify and call others to Himself. thank you for your faithfulness, may it be returned 100-fold.