today is a difficult love thursday.
on the one hand i am overjoyed at the upcoming arrival of my new nephew. he could come any day now, and i am giddy with expectation. what will he look like? what will his name be? when will we get to see him?
on the other hand is the heart-wrenching story of a dear baby, not yet three months old, who was born to david’s and my wedding photographer and her husband. just last night, baby ramona underwent surgery to splice her pulmonary artery in the hopes of creating an increased flow of oxygen to her heart. this was necessary because she was born with only one of the main arteries that supplies blood to her heart and lungs. however, due to the minuteness of her existing arteries, it is impossible for the doctors to insert a shunt. oxygen flow is only at forty per cent, when it should be at ninety-five.
many people are praying for both of these babies, and it is through those prayers that love is conveyed—our love for them, our love for god, god’s love for them. whether you pray for the healthy arrival of an unborn boy or plead with god for his will to be done in the life of ramona, please pray.
i will post an update as soon as i hear something.
update as of 1:26 pm:
ramona made it through the night and her oxygen level has been good. she is doing well as they decrease her medications. at the highest point today her oxygenation was at eighty-six so that is encouraging. her blood flow is also increased, so these are all good hopeful signs. the doctors have warned that she may have dips as they decrease the meds, but that overall increases are good. there is hope!
Lighting a candle in prayer for your family and these babies now.
fiercely praying with you and so many others for both these lives...
I can only imagine how Ramona's parents must feel...already in our prayers.
crossing my fingers.
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