
worlds of change

as if an upcoming wedding and the prospect of married life haven’t given my life enough interest as of late, i was informed last week that one of my co-workers—one of the ones who helps keep me sane with her goofy sense of humor and her ability to laugh at any situation—is leaving at the end of june. charlene is a breath of fresh air on a floor that is often filled with muckety-mucks (most of whom, i admit, are much less muckety-muck-ish than i imagine the muckety-mucks to be at most companies). she will be missed around this place, and i hope she comes back often.

charlene in all her glory

on top of that surprising news, our department was blown away this morning when nicole, our supervisor extraordinaire, told us that she, too, is leaving. in a month. this was an even bigger blow, as she only began in
this position one year ago, and she has done a remarkable job at managing three different departments. she is the one responsible for my new job, which i’m realizing now i haven’t even mentioned here yet (in a nutshell: good-bye, alumni office; hello, university editor!). this announcement has incited many thoughts and fears, and i know that, for me, a time of processing what this means for each of us as individual employees and as a team will be necessary.

so much change in such a short amount of time. it’s going to be an interesting few weeks.

nicole, a fan of
the office,
with her jell-oed stapler, a la dwight schrute,
a gift from we pranksters here at north park.


Melissa said...

BOOOOO! i love charlene to bits. many of my college memories include her and that fabulous spiky hair of hers. best wishes to both of these ladies who have made such an impact on your life and vocation.

Alli said...

You jelloed a stapler??? That is amazing, I love it.

And congratulations on your new position!