
tempus fugit

busy, busy, busy. here's what we've done over the past week, in no particular order:

* worked on our respective church projects (web site for david, newsletter for me) all. week. long.

* baked homemade cardamom coffeecake (at left). oh, did i say cardamom? i meant carda-yum!

* had dinner with friend and former college roommate, jennie, at nonno pino's. it was good to catch up, and i think i may have nudged her thismuch closer to starting her own blog.

* had a stress test as a purely precautionary measure. as i approach 35, i want to find out what condition my heart is in, especially now that i am exercising more regularly. results to come soon.

* david made a batch of yummy chili, filled with vegetables, to store away for a chilly night.

* bought two new imacs (!) for the apartment -- no more squinting at my 13-inch laptop screen to see the newsletter layout!

* baked amish friendship bread, thanks to a starter from church friend linden. it is deee-licious!

* visited ikea, where we ate dinner and bought shelves for david's desk (gotta make room for
that imac).

* went to a second birthday party for our niece, katie. it was a beautiful fall day, perfect for
swinging in the back yard (-->) and for asking brother-in-law brad to take a few pics of david and me as potential christmas card material. (you'll have to wait to see which one we chose.)

* listened to a beautiful concert of
early music from the americas, sung by cantate.

* grilled steaks and watched back to the future: part two. the steaks were wonderful. the movie was not.

what's new with you?


Melissa said...

colorado was beautiful, and i could easily move there. now it's just back to the grind....sigh.

Zach said...

TWO new iMacs?? Dave is going overboard. And what's this about not liking a Back to the Future movie? Great Scott?!?

Ann-Marie said...

we'd just fight over one imac and, considering the nature of our freelance projects, sharing one would not be an option.

and it's the second installment in a trilogy. it's supposed to suck. ;)

mar said...

my folks made friendship bread this weekend too. i should be getting a loaf in the mail on thursday. mmm!

Stuart Shea said...

Are you thinking of returning to Cantate at some point?

Ann-Marie said...

i am, i just wasn't able to sing this concert (or the last one, as the performances fell on and around our wedding day).

they are planning another concert for february or march, and i have told the director i will sing then. :)

simplicity said...

do share the recipe for that delicious looking cardamon bread!! YUM!

We do friendship muffins too, we've got to get a move on and get the starter going. Love that stuff.

Michael-Sarah-Greta-Calla-Samuel said...

i agree with samara...you need to post the recipe for the cardamon. i think mike might think he's died & gone to heaven if i made him some of that bread. wait, did i say "him", i mean us! it looks like you guys have had a fun week. jealous about the new imacs. someday. sigh. we miss you guys. can't wait to visit!