To prevent our Friday from imitating our Thursday too completely, David, in his infinite wisdom, asked, "Is the Bunny Hutch open?" I said I didn't know, but ice cream sure sounded good. Again, wise David asked, "Do you want to go play miniature golf?" Anything to get me off this couch on a Friday night!
We were off to Novelty Golf, which, as those of you who have grown up in Chicago know, has advertised using the same commercial since, oh, 1972. After playing the first course, which I won, David was easily convinced by the cheery cashier to play the second course for half price, which he won.
By the end of the evening, the mosquitoes were out in full force, so we headed over to the Bunny Hutch to get our ice cream. But when we got there, I realized that the Bunny Hutch is not what it used to be. I expected to see a long list of ice cream flavors (I always used to get bubblegum when I was a kid), but the list they now have contains all of ten flavors, none of which were the least bit enticing.
So we hopped back into our car and headed west to the Chocolate Shoppe, which has become known for its annual theme and subsequent re-decoration of the interior. We found many families and kids enjoying their ice cream outside, despite the humidity, and we joined them on a bench eating our double scoops of raspberry rhapsody and black cherry (for David) and moose tracks and mint chip (for me).
It was a fun way to end the week, even moreso because we hadn't planned it. If I had known that in advance, I would have brought my camera, but there are some things we just have to rely on our memories for.
What did you do this weekend that was fun and unexpected?
At the end of a very long day, which ended a very long week, I spent an unexpected and great very late night with some excellent fellow-Covenanters at a semi-white-trash bar in Wisconsin... :) Let's get together soon!
s invited me over for dinner tonight & had thawed out steaks, but we made a run to best buy first & ended up detouring to outback instead of the steaks in his fridge. very fulfilling, plus the rhubarb & apricot pies i bought at the farmer's market. mmm! good food & better company.
*sigh* How I long for spontaneous Friday nights again! Relish it before you have kids that require babysitters!
BTW, you got my two favorite kinds of ice cream!
Can I just tell you that Novelty Golf and the Bunny Hutch were among the very first "dates" that Mark and I went on (often with my brothers, of course) THIRTEEN years ago!
So glad that you had a great date night!
Two unexpected weekend twists: 1) Meeting my colleague and her fiance for drinks with Mark and his Dad after wine tasting/dinner, and 2) a quick trip to Chicago for 2 days, which allowed hang out time with my family and brunch at TreK with Melissa:)
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